Post-Jam Update!
Hey, it’s our first official devlog! I (Josh) have gotten lots more time to work on game dev stuff, so with the help of Sasha and Kati I made some tweaks/fixes/updates to our game!
First off, we’ve changed the game’s name, Sunken Treasure | Deep Sea Tours. We noticed it’s pretty tough to say and remember so we went with something snappier!
Tour of the Deep. It denotes the upfront purpose of the game and you only gotta remember two keywords. Tour and Deep
Tweaks/Fixes with Credit!
Thanks to the help from some of our commenters, we’ve tracked and fixed some bugs we didn’t have time to tackle during the jam. Congrats to DreamCartographer for finding the most bugs!
Anglerfish have been nerfed by reducing their radius of vision and increasing their charge time. Also they actually stop when the game is paused. Thanks to DreamCartographer, aXu, WordyRobin, Studio Blue Kiss, Ghost_bros, Korlagwan for pointing out issues with them.
The angler fish no longer swim backwards and actually flip when they change their direction during their idle patrol. Thanks DreamCartographer for the tip!
Pause menu doesn’t let you unpause at times. Thanks again DreamCartographer!
The secret eel no longer causes a hardlock. We forgot to put some dialogue there and it caused a NullPointerException. Check out the new dialogue! Thanks to aXu, Ghost_bros, Korlagwan for finding it!
Small change to the ending to replace the crash with a familiar character making a second appearance. Danke to Studio Blue Kiss and Korlagwan!
Also shoutout to the streamers, foundtexas and ManlyManton who gave us priceless feedback by playing it live!
- Pause menu controls have been changed to Q,E. Escape is still an option, but it does exit the fullscreen mode since it’s a webgl build.
- The Ink-Fungus-Gateway title in the webgl is now Tour of the Deep
- The submarine bubbles follow much closer to the ship instead of appearing way outside of it
- Extended the water background so it doesn’t cut off at the end
- Increased the minimum distance required to scan fish
- Submarine is unblocked after the last line of dialogue is completed instead of before
- The unintentionally invisible wall on the right side of the gift shop zone is now visible
- Biome 1 music now starts right when the sub dives
- Submarine goes back to opaque after respawning instead of remaining semi-transparent
- WebGL crash just before the credits is now fixed so you can see who actually made the game (or just read the game’s page description I guess)
- Mixed the sound effects to better balance
- Pitched and muffled some sound effects to sound more underwater
- Added a bubble burst sound effect for when taking damage
- Changed the default dialogue typing sound
- Added a prep-charging sound to the anglerfish to better cue their attack
- The general ocean sway of all the creatures has been randomized so they move independently from each other. Most notably, the jellyfish look way cooler now!
- The spritesheet artifact on the Squid has been removed, so there isn’t a random chunk of fish floating alongside it.
- Added a 0.5 second delay after finishing dialogue before dialogue input is accepted. This should help clearly indicate when dialogue finishes in case someone is speeding through it and doesn’t realize they are looping through the same dialogue (although I have no clue why anyone would want to speed read Sasha’s dialogue)
- Added a Press Space to Respawn prompt after dying
- Crossfade music between Biome 1 and Biome 2
- Submarine now smoothly rotates to a flat angle instead of instantly jumping to it
- (weird flip thing that happened while I was trying to get a normal stop)
- Pause Menu UI redesign
- Added some deep underwater ambience
Spoiler Updates!
We recommend playing through the whole game before reading these, otherwise you’ll change the intended experience of Tour of the Deep.
- Added some scarier ambience when entering the Gift Shop zone
- The sub moves back when choosing not to enter the Gift Shop to match up with the dialogue
- Music now plays when making the Gift Shop decision
- Gift Shop chomp animation when choosing to enter
- The Gift Shop’s dialogue no longer runs over itself during the chase and is now paced correctly during the final portion of the game. It also doesn’t continue when the player dies or completes the chase
- The boss chase rubber-bands so it will always be in view to keep the tension up
- Gave Evil Scubot its own dialogue box to further show the dramatic change
- Defeating the Gift Shop’s animation has been redone to show the Gift Shop being unplugged from reaching too far. Also ensures the entire Gift Shop is in view
- Added some vegetation at the end to show “nature is healing”
That's it!
Feel free to give us more feedback on Tour of the Deep or even this devlog itself!
Tour of the Deep
A peaceful submarine excursion from the sparkling azure waters to the deep dark abyss. What could go wrong?
Status | Released |
Authors | Scoot o' Speed Studios, JordanLiver |
Genre | Interactive Fiction |
Tags | 2D, Narrative, Short, Singleplayer, Story Rich, underwater, Unity |
Languages | English |
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