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That was lovely, loved the story and the music and the art-syle it was all just fantastic!

Thank you so much!! We all worked hard to make sure all the different elements flowed together, it's great to know that it's appreciated! :D


Deleted 312 days ago
(1 edit)

Omiword! This means so, so much to all of us!! Thank you!

Sorry about getting stuck after Peter and Trevor! Is this in the first part of the game, when you're saving them from the bugs? After you talk to Trevor, try walking to the left towards the lock, then around the table. The path is blocked on purpose to the right of Trevor, and if you accidentally climb back onto the table, you can't go forward from there because it's elevated. It's kind of like a maze in that sense, going around the table. Hopefully that helps you finish the rest of the game! :)

Also haha ikr. I don't like bees but I too was quite pleased to see them peacefully petrified. Glad you enjoyed that.

Hope you get a chance to see the rest of the story sometime! Can't wait to hear your thoughts! :)


Looks promising but I got stuck at the fruit flies.

Ah, sorry about that! We ran out of time to make a tutorial. The controls for the fruit flies are on the itch page, but if you'd prefer to just skip that part and see the story, you can press K whenever the fly minigame comes up! :D Hope that helps! 

I got it! Thanks for replying. I were able to play it through. I loved the atmosphere, the dialogues and the art! Great job!

Apologies for the late response! Thank you so, so much for willing to go back and complete the game after getting stuck! Congratulations on making it to the end! So happy you enjoyed!!! :) :) 
